Brooklyn Bridge Raises White Flag

The Brooklyn Bridge, as it appeared on July 22nd, 2014.
The Brooklyn Bridge, as it appeared on July 22nd, 2014.

A pair of artists from Berlin, Germany , Mischa Leinkauf and Matthias Wermke, replaced the flags atop the Brooklyn Bridge. The reason the flags were replaced was to celebrate “the beauty of public space” and the German-born engineer who helped build the historic bridge, John Robeling, died in 1869 on July 22, the day the white flags appeared.

The white flag seen from the pedestrian walkway.
The white flag seen from the pedestrian walkway.

 When the flags first appeared many questions and concerns were raised. Authorities were concerned over the security breach. Many thought it was a terrorist threat. All it was was a tribute to the bridge and a work of art. Many people didn’t see it that way and unfortunately the artists were arrested and the flags were removed. Since then the security over at the Brooklyn Bridge has increased tenfold. Sadly, not everyone can appreciate the thoughts behind peoples actions.

Close-up of the white flag atop the Brooklyn Bridge.

Brooklyn Bridge Raises White Flag

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